Saturday, December 11, 2010

On KL- C. Highland - KL

Last week tk sbr2 rase nk jumpa derang......tetiba hari neh tak sedar dah seminggu lebih......Abah dah start pusing depan....pusing blakang......naik atas.....turun bwh.......~ risau ayam herrrrr....mak dah ingat bunga2nya ~'s a wonderfull days having all of them here....ada rezeki...ada kelapangan....dgn izin Allah.....kita plan another family outing again ya!!!

To my dear Papa : Tqvm sayang.....for being so understanding.....for being so sporting.....~ to spend everything ~ to treat my parents as good as yours ~ to loving us and care of us this much ~ love u 88888x.....tehehhehe...

Mak & Abah plan nk naik train......but ticket sold out!!!! lovely Hubby said ~ it's ok Mama......i drive them back to Johor.....kesian derang naik bas......kt Bukit Jalil ada JOM HEBOH......mesti pack....

Me : Speechless.....tqvm Papa......kerana lebih MENGERTI.....

Shopping @ d KLCC

My lovely Hubby ~ muah8888x

With the most undestanding man in my life ~ honey Hubby

With my sweety younger sis

The Best Mak Tok n Atuk ever with lovely grandchild ~ love u mak & babah....

Misss u Mak Yong!!!!

Uncle Ayiep the most sporting one..

Laporrrrrrrrrrrrr ~ sejuk2 ginih pekena steam boat mmg meletops!

Ahahahhahhaha......~ Lil Diddy shivering ~ beg & spek tuh satu set.....wakakakak.....(nnt ko besar, mama frame pics neh kt bilik ko) ~ sweet lil ultramen...

Friday, December 10, 2010


Tajuk : Bangun Pagi
Waktu : 6.15 pg
Lokasi : Master Bedroom
Situasi : Anak2 tido lagi, Mr.Hubby sdg solat subuh, Gue ~ menung2 manja

Modus Operandi : Yessss!!!! Bo ngadap tenet dgn aman bahagia...

Chapter One :
- Bukak FB
- Bukak Yahoo
- Bukak Banking Online~ check balance gaji~ wakakakkakaka!

 Chapter Two :
- Tetiba ada makhluk kecik dtg......~" Mama nak sushu........",
- Gue : Nnt kejap laaa...mama tgh work neh..
- Makhluk kecik : Cpat laaa mama......perut siddiq ada raksasa neh.....nk sushu....
- Gue : Abg turun bwh laaa.....ckp ngn Bibik buat yer...
-Gue : Takde harapan laaaa nk  jimba depan tenet......

Chapter three :
- Makhluk  Kecik No. 2 mula bergerak2......." Mama......DuDhu...!!!."

Uwaaaaaaaaa!!!! Mmg slalu mcm neh.......yg besh tuh....semua nk mama yg buwat.....haper papa ko tk boley? Tuh yg sushah nk g mana2 kalau verangan nk jimba2an.....mmg derang melekat kt seluar haku neh......~ mayb derang windu kt mama kot.......maklumlah....mama kojer jerrr......time neh laaa nk lekat kt ketiak mama kannnn..........~ Bibik : Kalu puan ngak ada.......baik2 aja......~

Chapter four :

Mr.Hubby : Mama.....come here kenapa kuku papa panjang dah? Manicure plsssssss.....
Gue : MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ~ redha ~ G bye lappy........

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Point To Ponder...

What are the issues in evaluating PhD thesis?

1. Format

2. Basic technical error i.e. typing, etc.

3. Clear objectives, experimental design, methodology, discussion towards conclusion.

4. Examiners cannot be the supervisor. Examiners evaluate thesis based on the presentation in the thesis by the candidates. Candidates have to show that they understand what they presented in the thesis.

5. Regulation must be followed by the students and the authority before thesis reach the examiners. The examiners may need to evaluate the thesis content NOT the technical errors such as typing errors, language, general format, references, etc
* Dipetik dari blog seorang cendekiawan terbilang...
p/s : Itulah adat dunia......tak semua yg ada PHD tuh benar2 telus membawa title 'Dr' yg disandang tuh. Tak dapat dinafikan kdg2 dapat PHD sbb nasib baik.....~takpelah....rezeki msg2~ mcm2 cara org bo dpt yg tak tahannya tuh, kalau meeting asyik nk betulkan grammar je...ada koma ke tidak, ada titik ke tidak, huruf besar kecik...alahai....tu kan 'typist' bo tolong kita check nnt......tak bo ke PHD tuh digunakan untuk pikir ttg sesuatu yg lebih HEBAT? like : content, ideas, hala tuju, vision, mission......etc.... ~"ooooooo....i have no idea what is's NOT MY FIELD~ Gue : PITAM***~
In a real world today, i've seen people being so arrogant with their PHD title until they forget to be realistic. They become selfish, thinking that they are so clever....~ forget that ALLAH Maha Bijaksana~ rasa diri tuh hebat dalam bidang tertentu, lupa padahal hidup ini terlalu indah untuk ditelaah....tidak perlu memandang rendah ~ seorang tukang sapu pun mungkin lebih hebat idea dan pemikirannya tentang sesuatu perkara....yg kita tidak tahu langsung...kerna sesungguhnya Allah menciptakan manusia itu saling memerlukan....lebih banyak yg kita tahu....lebih banyak yang kita perlu pelajari......but better be 'DONE' people than having a PHD with NOTHING......Wallahuaklam..
Pehal yg ko merepek neh ziey? Ko ada PHD ke? Wakakakakkaaa......

Friday, December 3, 2010

Saya Kuat!!!!

Ko ada anak yg boleh transform jd Incredible Hulk cam ginih? Ko ada? Wakakkakakkakka............


YEAAAAA!!!!! Yahooooooooo......Mak n Abah sampai malam neh.....Peh!!!! (pehal ko nk excited sgt? ~ mestilah.....pasal mak abah haku plg sushah nk g umah anak2....~ nnt pokok bunga dia takde org siram laaa....ayam takde org bg makan laaa....) ~ PITAM Gue!
Malam inih berangkat laaa gue anak beranak g Bukit Jalil amik derang.... ~ YAAAAA!!!!! Mak abah haku naik BAS sahaja.....SEDEY tak?
Cool2x......Sabar......Relax......Ustaz kata : Orang yang mensia-siakan kedua orang tuanya akan diSEMPITkan rezekinya.....akan jauh dari KEBERKATAN HIDUP.....eaaa.........takuttttttttttttttttttttttttt...... ~ KO tak takut ke???
Ok...Mak..Abah.....alhamdulliah......kita g holiday yer.....Insya Allah.....kita g tempat yg mak teringin sgt nk sampai tuh yer......ZOOM! ESCAPE! Cuti2 Malaysia jeee............hohhoohohohoo......