Thursday, June 7, 2012

Baking project wit Mak Yong~

Smalam bibik sakit perut......dah terlentang pucat jek.....lepas bwk dia g klinik...weols kasik chance suruh dia rehat.....haku plak yg kena bersilat kat dapur......Mak Yong semua hal masak memasak telah diletakkan atas batu jemala patik yer....Mak Atok ngn Tok Abah busy berduaan ngn pokok2 munger derang.....ntah nk masuk pertandingan umah rimbun ke haper hadiah lumayan gak laaa...RM10k...sungguh2 haku tgk derang....baguslah.....kang boleh aaa kidnap sepasu plant ngn cactus tuh nampak mcm canteekk je...... :-)

Mlm td Mak Yong rajhin laa pulak layan anak buahnya nk buat kek lapis.....haku pon join laa kan...tlg menyibuk......hasilnya....boleh tahan...i likeeee.....nk share resepi....nnt laa korang....tggu i plak yg i tak fokus....nnt nk kena salin dr Mak Yong....*dia ada bgtau.....bahan2nya...masuk tu....masuk haku tak fokus....ahahhahah! (biasalah kan.....bila ada akak kan...kita jadik mengada2.... :-p)

Nampak mcm tak semenggah je hasil terpotong guna pisau yg tak berapa tajam.....dah tak mcm Master Chef... :-p 
'Mat Kacau' pada malam kejadian....
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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Oh!!!! Kampungku~

Baru je siap packing......anak2 tgh charge batery....semua tdo kat bwh.....jap lagi nak mulakan perjalanan balik kg kt JoHor......kalau tak tdo....kang semua buat perangai dalam keta.....
Diam tak diam dah dekat 5 bulan tak balik....arituh tepon mak....cakap sorry lama tak balik....dia jawab : 'ala...tak apa....mak faham....ko sibuk....dgn kerja...dgn anak2.....dgn suami....dgn kelas lg.....takpe....nnt dah lega...balik lah.....'
Sayang sgt emak...wp dia hatinya baik sgt....dan sgt memahami.....agaknya kalau aku laaa.....bila dah lama tak jumpa anak....mesti aku yg terpacak depan umah derang kot...ahahaha! Emo sgt....
Dah macam2 aktiviti plan neh....ntah sempat ke? Projek choc cake ngn along......hubby nk lepak kat waterfall.....nk wat baju raya ngn tukang jahit tersohor kt kg....*serius jahitannya sgt cantek.....dan....nk rehatttt....uhuhuu....Insya Allah... :-D (macam dia sorang ada kg....)

Friday, June 1, 2012


46% of executive departures are unplanned 

50% of baby-booming senior managers will
reach retirement age in the next five years

51% of companies do not have a succession
plan in place

Only 6% of companies have a system in place
to build “top-flight” executive teams

Most of the organization did'nt bother about the succession plan. Most of the senior didn't care about training the 'talent management' for the sustainability of the organization. The 'talent management' & 'talent pool' is seriously emphasized in the organization that seriously concern about the future of their organization.

Where are we? 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mexican Bun ~

I'm a bread lover ~ masa student dulu.....bila lalu depan Bakery's Cottage.....mmg teruja dgn bau fresh bread.....automatic akan singgah beli.....tehehhe..... now....sejak dah ada  Noxxa Bread Maker....lg laa haku teruja nk wat roti sendiri......bila makan roti panas2 ngn hot tea....pergh!!! Mmg favourite anak2 and Mr. Hubby......terutama yg kecik tu....dia tak berapa suker makan make bread as an alternative for him....*sigh*

Sometimes i invite my bff to come over and have a chat while having hot bread ~ fresh from oven.....tis time Dr. Chard drop by....he love it! Teheehhe....seronok tgk derang makan.... :-)

Sesapa nk tau pasal bread maker nih, pls click Noxxa or email me for further inquiry.....ahaks!

Mexican Bun kali neh i dapat resepi dari Patty's Kitchen

Tp x sempat nk carik cheese cream  and fresh resepi tuh i ubah sikit.....tak guna filling cheese cream, cuma guna brown sugar je....then fresh milk i ganti least ada low fat milk dalam diet kami sekeluarga.....gtuew.....

Fresh from oven...baunya mmg memikat......
Cun jee tersusun, ready to be eaten ~ 

Ready to bake! Agak2 bagi roti tuh rest 10~15 min, letak topping.....kalau rajin, tunggu 45min ~ 1 hour,  lg cantek naiknya....then bakar, 175 degree, 20 min or until it's turn brown...
My helper.......setia menabur cheddar cheese atas topping
Then, dia bagi mama neh....2 loves + HB wishes.......ok laaa sayang.....tqvm..... *cantek dimataku... (itu pon nk emo ~ lol!) 
Earlier that day pun having bread for lunch @ Subway......mmg the whole bread day for me! Hiks...
Tqvm my dear frenz atas tajaan lunchy @ Subway on my befday.....sayang korang.... *hugs*
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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Double Befday nite :-D

Some people ask about ~ "double befday" well...don't get confuse.... i've given birth of my lil Siddiq on my technically, he is my befday gift on my befday...tehehhe....we shared the same D.O.B! :-D

This is the real celebration, on the befday nite....after class...i'm  thinking of having something western food to eat....and we decided to go to Chili's. Since papa is a meat lover...i think tis is just a rite place....
Happy faces of my 2 lil ultraman.... :-)
Takmo gambar katanya....tehehe....*tunggu kiddy  meals blom sampei....
I think the befday boy really hungry..tehehhe...ok2....understood  ~
Enjoying the tomato sources more thn the food....tehehehi...
My plate of cheesy chicken fav.....pastu feel *guilty the whole week... :-p
Yummy kan? Suker2.....(menjerit laaa penimbang lepas nehhhh...huhuu...)...*picca presentation not so great coz using cheap primitive hp camera...ahaahah! The rest of the food on plate tak sempat the rib eye steak looks so yummy.... :-p  
Happy faces of the double befday boy n  befday mummy.....after all the Chili's staff sang a befday song for us and give the cute cards n delicious cute ice cream cake....tthx dear hubby ~ lov ya!
Lately all the boys prefer papa only....mama x laku...  >_<  isk2x...
Toys R Us for the boys.....hmmmm...b a good  boy sayang mama semua..... :-)
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