Thursday, December 13, 2012

Rimau Malaya kena sabotaj ke?

Rimau Malaya kena sabotaj ke....naper laa refree cenggituh kannnn?
Tihihi......bushannn aaa...ngeeee...
Tapi kat mana-mana pun cenggituh laaa......mesti ada yg tak mengadili dgn careful je laa...wherever we are... ;-p

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Daun pokok tujuh duri.....

Katanya.....daun pokok tujuh duri ni bagus utk pesakit cancer....

Mak Busu i kt kampung yg bgtau....katanya dia pernah suspect breast cancer.....ada lump....sementara tunggu nk buat biopsy....dia makan daun pokok ni....utk ulam...every day....after almost 2 months, mase buat check up....tgk2 lump dah takde.....huhuhu....

Bukan makcik tu aje....ramai juga kwn2 dia yg suspect breast cancer....ada lump....bila makan...terus lump tu hilang....setakat ni....i dah jumpa 3 org yg amalkan mkn daun ni & Alhamdulillah free dr sebarang lump or breast cancer...

Kebetulan ke.....kebenaran? Sapa nk buat kajian? Manalah tau......mmg ada anti cancer agent?! Jom!! I ada tanam kt depan umah i...(atas tanah sekangkang kera....ahahhaha! :-P).....

I nk sihat n awet muda u....Jom! Amalkan cara hidup sihat.....sihat tubuh bdn + sihat juga di fikiran dr perkara2 memikirkan hal2 yg tidak baik.... Insya Allah... ;-)

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Baking day....

Nikmatnya dpt weekend dgn family kan......sgt2 syiok...i plak jenis yg lbh suker bersama keluarga kt umah.....samada g beriadah or plan some hands-on activities with e family....g shopping complex?...errr...kalu perlu je tak suka bising2 & sesak2 ramai org....tak elok utk bdk2....peace... :-P *kiasu mama..*wink*

Lg besh sb skunk Mak & Abah pon feeling2 mengada ngn mak apak kannnn....hihii...maklumlah....weolz kan nucleus family kt KL ni.....atok nenek sedara mara jauh...bila derang ada kt umah...sgt teruja....sooooo.....rumahku syurgaku.... :-D

Ada budak tecik sibuk nk mamanya baking2 & main2 tepung kat dapur.......oklah....tgk majalah lama...recepi red velvet memanggil2 utk dicuba....hahaha! Tp i modified cikit....kurangkan red colouring  ituew....tak bagusss nnt makan pewarna makanan byk2 kann....(terbayang nnt all my stomach kena red colour stain ....OMG :-P) conscious sgt kan....takut gak uolz....byk Malaysian skunk kena cancer taw.....cancer hati...cancer usus...breast cancer....huhuhu....aatoot kann... ;-p

Ok....hasilnya ~ red velvet less colouring....siap di saji bersama coklat urai diatasnya n teh o green tea....detox katanya....*sigh*

Anak2 jiran sebelah tgh main2 kt depan umah....panggil join sekali....excited mkn2 & cerita ceriti....sgt senang hati :-)

I love tis beautiful weekend...... ;-)

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Crash Course ~

Throughout my journeys of looking for knowledge....i met with fantastic lecturers and formal & informal condition....sometimes we learn from somebody higher than us....sometimes we learn from lower staff or even just ordinary person...with that, i shall thanks everybody that shape myself today & i'll continue learning every day.... ;-)

Last week i'm attend one crash course in SIRIM.....hihihi....a 3 days workshop actually....derive from a semester Master courses.....about how we can bring any possibilities of marketable products/ services and attract investment.....on wht is IP all about, patented issues, IP licensing, collaborators, publications, students, employee, employer, researcher,  lecturer...etc...hihi ~ long  list... most of us are officers from MOSTI....they are lawyers, science communicator, research officers, engineers, science officers, designers, management personnel and from different branch and agencies....

It's a good course to attend.....covered many topics to be digest in 3 days....anyway, almost all should at least gets clearer pictures of what are we heading to....especially the young researchers in the Research Institute....we understand better what is our wright, what our organization should gained from any collaboration, everything that related to contract agreement, what the inventor or researcher should get and should not do....lots of legal terms....great exposure to learn.....

Publications in the International Conference is important for predicting future trends....but the publication or research should be objectively done ~ to get the right products needed. Research should also focusing on fundamental research as a basic tools to nurture greater discoveries.....where the knowledge gained can be accomplished by other Research Institute, Technical Institutional, Designers, Creative Institute or Creative Universities etc. .....the challenges is how to apply an effective knowledge sharing system that could benefit everybody.... ;-p

Some interesting point from the courses to share:

1. Academic staff have a duty to research (part of employment contract), but do they have the duty to invent?
2. A duty to invent would be expected to carry with it an obligation of secrecy. ie.; an obligation to maintain and not put novelty at risk, so as to preserve patentability
3. But academic staff have choices; to publish freely and therefore destroy novelty or not to publish
4. Students are not employees; IP jointly owned by the students and University
5. Company Director; if the Director is an employee of a company, then as a result of employment relationship, the IP would be owned by the company. The same goes to employee situation. Unless the IP was created out side the course of employment, then its belong to the employee....

**Anyway, everybody hv their own interpretation and can freely argue all the statement above......even the speaker is quite open with any disagreement to be discuss... :-)

Points to ponder : Most of big companies will hire runners all over conferences to get information needed or benefited the company. It is simply because innovation give new business opportunity to them. Because of that, some may choose not to reveal the full accurate info in the publication, because people may copy them easily.....then, how Ethics in Education represent in this situation? Beside the plagiarism issues, how about the accuracy? It is quite blurry to explain, because normally new findings have less expertise to argue.....except over the controversy on recent paper published by Seralini on GM Maize; where scientist around the world urging the French scientist to release the full research data in which he linked consumption of NK603 maize increased incidence of tumors in rats (resources: The Petri Dish, November 2012 issues).

This 3 days courses give some frameworks and models that so far workable for industries and research institutes in UK, US, Australia etc. to collaborate....there is no definite answer that the models can suite here in our country or will still reliable in the next 10 years....but at least it one of the best method so far....

It is quite interesting to know how far and how many steps we should do to facilitate the penetration of research findings into real market....the workshop is a good efforts that MOSTI shall continue....this kind of workshop should be handle annually and broad the scope to other agencies related......maybe next time we should focus on every agencies problems related to engagement of research findings and commercialization challenges.....and see how we could go forwards with the best collaboration/ venture/ capital investment that suite every cases.....i believe everybody will be happy to contribute without hiding any information related.....because everybody get their portion (royalty,  dividend, share etc.) and fair agreement to agree :-D

p/s : This is just my own opinion. Please do refer to other sources and references for further clarification...

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Future Hope ~

Cheerful faces in EMA756.....everybody have their own endless stories to tell....the hard works, the struggle, the commitment, the huge responsibilities, the long journey, hope and patient...yet, the best rewards is just to gain knowledge from our beloved Chi Foo ~ Mr. Nik from EPU, Minister Office and guest speaker Mr. Fumihiko Sato, CEO of ORIX Japan (sitting in the middle)....

Two fellows with precious experience in Harvard...still very down to earth.....busy with multiple works never ended day & night, weekdays & weekend...yet still smiling and make time to teach us with sincere and passion.....hardly say any complains...full of patient....respect each other and appreciate everybody's opinion with an open mind....lead by action and never take advantages....great Chi Foo will never be forgotten....  ;-)

Mr. Sato : What is the most important value in our life? Wealth? Respect? Position? 

Everybody have their own arguments....let it be yours....we choose our own responsible for what we believe and act to not manipulate things coz at the end people can not tell lies coz no sin is not turn around facts coz the truth will revels....

How about Unethical behaviours? Mr. Sato listed out as below:
Profiting at the expense of others
Causing environmental damage (to the earth, in the office and in the family etc.)
Socially irresponsible

Mr. Sato : Does anybody agree? Anybody want to argue? Please let me know...lets us share....we may learn something together....

(Then everybody start to throw many questions and arguments.....the discussion become fruitful....he never turn down anybody's opinion and explain every curiosity with patient.....we even seek some answers together and nobody is acting superior/ smarter than others ;-D)

Mr. Sato Advice : Do not compete unnecessarily with each other....coz u'll win nothing....please do collaborate and work together.....because no matter how clever u feel...are u clever enough? 2, 3, 4...heads working together is better than 1...coz u may look at different perspective and can't see the hidings one..

Conclusion : Employees can realize their fulfilling life by understanding & sharing the corporate philosophy, work hard toward the same goal and know what is the most important values in your life.....

Smile :-)