Last year i'm quite busy coz need to handle 4 International Thematic Exhibitions.....(plus extra classes during weekend)....from the documentation till installation, including dealing with Japanese, Singaporean & Danish.....every single dealing is different because they hold different cultures, believes and standard of operating.....every countries have different laws and regulations and yet i must tune them to follows negotiation and communications skills was challenged.....especially when we need to make their legal advisers to understand our obligations, yet making them feel good about the term & condition....
Anyway, beside the talks, mails and endless discussions....all the exhibition manage to full fill it's miles stone.....working with Japanese....they very strict with every single words stated in the documentation and whatever u said in the meeting or calls.......dealing with Singaporean is a little bit challenging because they are very familiar with trading business and very opportunist......making us to be trapped in the middle if we are not careful with any term & conditions.....their words is certainly not something that we should trust, unless if it is written and signed by both parties.....
Working with the Denmark people or Danish is the most interesting one.....i learn a lot from them...besides they are serious about their jobs, they are more honest, very polite and treat woman with respects....they are family man....because every single day they talk about their wife....(i know that they miss their family already :-p) and they manage to handle crisis with calm......they looks very relax in handling problems and settle things one by one......maybe that's why Danish people have been rated that the most happiest people in the world....they could handle stress with calm...
My boss & I met with the Director of Experimentarium, Denmark while having a conference in Singapore last year....after presenting the paper about how we love to encourage our visitors about active lifestyle...the exhibition called 'Sports & Spinach' comes into the conversation....its all about how the modern society nowadays have forgotten about a healthy lifestyle and stuck with so many electronic gadgets and fast food consumption.....not realizing that the habits can lead to many modern diseases like obesity, cardiovascular diseases and shorten our life spend....Prof. Nils and his team come up with the ideas of how active lifestyle can be encourage in our modern societies to help the younger generation build a good habits of healthy lifestyle....since we are ASPAC members and a non-profit organization.....we get cheaper rental price.... :-) & this is the first time the exhibition travel to Asian countries..
Interesting enough......and testing all the exhibits in the exhibition is much more exciting...know your health condition with several fun test, calculate your expecting life spend according to your life style.....i was diagnose to live until 78 years old.....wht is the average age for Malaysian? i think maybe around 70-75 years old....ohhh!!...scary....(*please find the accurate facts) my case....due to less exercise (less than 4 times a week) and less vegetables/fruits on my diets.....huhuhu....but its still not too late to change our life's get change!! :-)
If we expose too much on fast food, have frequent stress and smoking.....our life spend will be much's why the Danish people said.....avoid yourself to be stress.....try to be more relax and let things done one by one.... :-) & ensure less consumption of fast food.....bad for health...more home cook mummies out there.... hihiihihi :-D
Ok...i think that's all for now.....if u are free...pls visit this Sports & Spinach Exhibition @ PSN.....will be in Malaysia until 31.8.2013. Price tickets very minimum....
Oklah....takmo ckp banyak2....bak kata
Green Apple... skunk banyak polis online.....yg tunggu jek nk carik salah ko dalam setiap entry....barulah ada bahan untuk umpatan msg-msg kan......kalau derang tak jadikan bahan kejian dlm blog derang...drang jadikan bahan utk mengumpat.....takpelah....kesiankan derang....kita maafkan je org mcm ni....takde keje agaknya.....niat kita....mana yang baik kita kongsikan.....boleh juga berikan manfaat pada org lain......drp simpan je idea tuh jd pekasam.....eloklah share sapa yg nk terasa atau nk mengumpat....silakan.....*life is so shorts to be wasted just to be a stalker*
masa neh da stat ujan derang ttp buat keje nk kejar jadual.... |
Prof Nils pun join tolong anak2 buah dia.....down to earth.... |
Kerja..... |
& kerja lagii..... |
Sesi training fasilitators bersama Prof Nils......kebanyakannya bdk universiti, STPM and lepasan SPM.....derang laa yg akan facilitate visitors nnt....abes exhibition ni kang.....ada laa pengalaman ~ how to apply science communication kat luar tu......kiranya derang neh nnt boleh laa jd *agent of change in the society about perception towards STI.....lagi ramai kitaorang train @ hire......lg banyak la agent of science communicator in the society.....this is how Miraikan (science centre) in Japan did.... |
Optical illusion.....our technician testing the exhibits... |
& my son testing the interactive exhibits.... |
& get engage with it....and don't want to go back...... :-p |
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