Monday, June 17, 2013

After almost 30 years ~ ;-)

I'm having a few assignment's dateline to meet and exams week to come.......but my hubby mentioning about his old school's gathering last weekend.....he didn't commit anything and remain silent since i'm just quiet and say nothing.......mayb he just understand that i have to concentrate on the studies while coping with the office works and growing kids....

Thx for understanding that hubby ~ XOXO.....luckily bibik still around to help with the house cores and the kid's needs.....even though sometimes both of my restless boys want's nobody but mummy :-p

Anyway, i know that life working balance is important too...must make time for the love ones also.... :-p ; since the class for Sunday was cancel (thx GOD!), after watching Food Channel 727  i feels like missing my baking, i decided to bake some muffins and spaghetti for my hubby's event - reunion of his old school's folk after almost 30 years hardly sees each other~

It was actually just in Kota Damansara, D'Rimba Club of his frenz live a resort style, they they decided to meet nearby the pool area....kalau i laa duduk tempat camni......hari2 laa mood holiday vacation khennnn.... ;-) 

My 2 boys just aiming at the pool...

With his frenz that have not seen for almost 30 years.....sometimes FB and whatapps brings people together for the good....(lil siddiq lobbying Papa to get into the pool *sigh*) 
Talking & talking...
Some of them....can't imagine how they behave in the class 30 years ago....ngeeee ~ 
Mummies doing girl's things.....notice me (pink dress + black scarf)  and my beloved Lil Ian....he's quite shy when there are many people around..... ;-)
Abang ask Papa for food.....pembuka tirai makan ~ dia mmg selamba je.....
Some of all delicious home cook's yummy.....sambal udang Melaka....rendang, kuih muih....huhuh.....bertabahlah perut.......hihihi
I was not born yet...hihi
Ready to blow the cake...
Just realize one of them just arrive.....everybody calling for her...
Ahaa....baru cukup ahli.....anak iolz plak muncul dr dalam kolam....hadoyyy....badget befday dia larrrr kan...
Pause moment to take picca...
Ready to blow.....
And they we go.......ahahah.....anak kami yang tiup dulu......end the beautiful weekend that day..... :-)

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Busy but HaPPy.... :-D

Nowadays busy mmg bertambah....da mula ~ ba ba cak ngn supervisor for the dissertation etc....challenge kt office juga bertambah.....ada juga yg tanya....tak penat ke? Dengan family lagi....hihihi....caner nk jwb yer?

 Penat.....tapi relax....caner tu? Hahhaha.....pack life....but  u feel self satisfaction in u....u feel more calm to face the days.....mayb the  environment, family & people surrounding is  don't feel it's a mind was fed with understanding and applied knowledge....helping me to be more prepared for the work load waiting on Monday-Friday....and the detox classes started again every weekend.....helps all of us in the class to digest the lectures and applied in our work.....nice rite? 

I feel bless to know them....we share our experience and learn sincerely from each other.....we cherish and supports one another.....coz we don't have so much time to do everything alone.....we learn to work in a strong team and helps each other to explore the best talent in every one...

Surround your people with positive people.....u will be positive too....avoid negative individual and  wasted activities.....look forward and leave behind all the negative a meaningful life.....becoz ur age is so precious to be wasted by just doing nothing and dreaming.... ;-)

When there is the time u feel bored doing the same things all over again.....maybe its a signal that u should search for new skills and knowledge......explore this beautiful world as much as u can.....u will finally find out that...


Yezzz.....we hv long hours lectures...but we can still sincerely smile....hahahah! 
Thumbs up to my classmate.....pregnant at 6 months but still rock the day! Adore your spirit dear.... :-)

Monday, April 29, 2013


Ada orang tanya i......"kenapa laa si polan tu buat i macam ni.....buat macam tu.....cakap-cakap kat belakang macam ni...macam tu....stalker FB & Blog....pakat gelak kuat-kuat reramai......buat cerita.....depan baik...blakang kutuk kita rupanya....kita tak kacau pun hidup derang kak...."

I senyum je dengar......biasalah.....kat mana-mana memang ada je spesies macam ni......stalker hidup kita....pastuh pakat gelak kuat-kuat macamkan kelakar sangat....hihihi......kata ahli psikologi ~ 'insecure identity'......sampaikan kita berdoa untuk perkara yang baik pun derang nk gelak-gelakkan dan buat lawak.....ntah apa yg lawaknya kan......gelak berdekah-dekah dengan tone pitching satu office boleh dengar....sangat nk perhatian....hihi.....ok laaa.....message deliver.... 

Jawapannya....jgn dilayan watak-watak mintak perhatian ni......mungkin ada sesuatu dalam hidup mereka yang tak kesampaian....tu yang suka buat hasutan dan gossip tentang hidup orang lain....anyway, takde kesan pun dengan hidup kita.....jauhkan dari pengaruh dan aura negatif mereka.....biarkan mereka berdekah-dekah ketawa atas perkara yang tak kelakar pun.....

Lagipun mmg dah tahu perangai mereka macam tu kan.....nasihat i....doakan laa mereka jadi baik....kesian derang....mungkin ada benda yang derang tak dapat tu....sebab tu mereka cuba jadi riang ria....orang yang benar2 bahagia tidak menunjuk-nunjuk dan sentiasa tenang sahaja.....maafkanlah derang yang mengumpat dan ketawakan kamu tu.....sebab mereka pun tak tahu apa yang mereka ketawakan sangat tu......tak kelakar pun kan? Kesian tak tengok derang? Kesian kan.....mungkin mereka sebenarnya sedang stress.....tetapi cuba itu mereka tak habis-habis mencari cerita tentang kamu......untuk mereka jadikan hidup mereka sangat bosan dan jelak.....hidup kamu mungkin lebih menarik.....sbb tu mereka minat sangat nak stalker.... :-)

Sudahlah.......jangan dipedulikan apa yang mereka fikir dan rasa tentang kamu.....semua itu tidak penting kan? Yang penting....Allah sayang kamu.....dan hidup kamu mmg sudah sedia bahagia tanpa mereka.....anggap sahaja mereka itu jahil.....kasihani mereka dan hadiahkanlah senyuman yang ikhlas untuk mereka....semoga hati mereka berubah menjadi lebih baik.... :-D

Senyum......syukur.....hargai diri dan hiasi peribadi....

Selamat beramal...

Kuah Rojak Kacang Mak Bee.....

Tadi kwn lama dtg......lama kami sama2 berkhidmat kt PSN ni....lbh kurang 10 tahun dia dah pindah JKR Perlis...sempat dia dtg tadi....ada urusan kt kuah rojak ni....sedapnya....terbayang makan ngn mangga muda....phewwww!!!! Mau lalok kami anak beranak depan TV layan ni.......hihihi.....especially anak sulong i tuh....mmg favourite dia..... :-)

Tq frenz......nampak ceria je sejak masuk opis baru member i neh.....hmmmm....didoakan semoga suksess selalu...... dan InsyaAllah.....kita berjumpa lagi dipuncak kejayaan.....aminnn..... :-D

Syiok kan......nyumm2x.....

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Mentoring ~ ;-)

In a workshop...for mentoring program......

Teringat pesanan ustazah dulu...katanya : 'Apabila matinya kita....akan terputuslah semua amalan di dunia....kecuali 3 perkara ~ i. Doa anak yang soleh & solehah ii. Amal jariah dan sedekah iii. Ilmu yang diajarkan kpd orang lain dan orang itu mendapat manfaat atas ilmu tersebut.

Ketiga-tiga perkara tersebut akan terus memberi manfaat kepada si mati umpama 'saham' diakhirat....selagi ianya memberi manfaat, selagi itulah si mati mendapat pahala dan keberkatan Allah jua...

Mentoring involve knowledge sharing culture.....sangatlah bertuah jika mendapat mentor yg ikhlas memberi ilmu dan menti yang komited....sepanjang pengalaman iolz bekerja.....banyak yang iolz belajar...wp belum ada mentor.... ;-)

Sharing knowledge is important for the success of d organization and reduce cost for HRD.....not all sharing knowledge happen in a good way....sometimes we are facing challenges when only one way communication happens....or some people only 'havesting' ur efforts and ideas.....with certain power and political skills to get influence....u hv no choice but to surrender the input or knowledge that u explore for their personal interest...because certain people just focus to grab whatever they could as much as they can.....including by taking other people's effort.....while they hv chances  to do so....i understand we shall grab any opportunity....but should be in a WISE manner i believe....especially if we are the leader....the leadership ethics should be there....anyway...everybody hv different thinking and believe to justify their action....let it be....because this world is a test for us....the real judgement will be done later in Akhirat by Allah s.w.t. ~

In research field.....some people consider taking ur findings as stealing their ideas......but in a real world...sometimes people use their power to harvest others.....maybe that's why certain people can't gain respect....or certain people just being cheated seems like being respect...but the reality is not.....
Compare to Mentor & Menti...normally the relationship is more genuine and can be two way learning process where mentor and menti shall learning each other....

I'll tk this task as chances to gain my 'saham akhirat'...InsyaAllah....i will be a good mentor to my committed menti.....dgn izin Allah jua..~ :-D

Semoga perkongsian ilmu ini mendapat keberkatan dari Allah dan memberikan manfaat kepada semua.....
Sesungguhnya setiap hari itu adalah rahmat dan peluang untuk membuat ibadah + amal kebajikan ~ LillahiTaala...