Wednesday, July 17, 2013

7th years validated "sah"

Selalunya lelaki yg luper tarikh2x penting khenn...kalo wife  yg terluper boleh tak??? Hahhahahah!! Sowi laa my dear hubby....apakan daya kan.....this year mama busy exam final the whole Jun....dah masuk bulan 7 baru notice anniversary dah lepas.....kira-kira dekat sebulan laa baru nk notice......muhahahahha! :-p

Tp tak besh plak kalu takde apa2, tempah kek 'snowy cheese' neh kt budak opis.....mmg sedap....spoil your day...with cheesy cake full of snow cheese on your BELATED 7th Anniversary ~ kuangkuangkuang.....ahahhahah! 

Cheeeseeeeeeeeeeeeeee :-)

The Engagement day...

Throw back:
The wedding ~ 6 months after....
Org tua kata >>>>tak bleh lama2x <<< ;-p

My precious ~ our 1st baby was born on my birthday - 27th May, 2007

Our second Honey Bee was born on 30th July 2009 ~ he complete our life.... :-)
May Allah bless us till Jannah ~ aminnn ~ *smile*

Monday, July 15, 2013

Ondeh2x a.k.a buah Melaka ~

Exam Week dah hoooo!! Last Sunday adalah weekend yang tenang......selalunya tiap petang mesti usha pasar Ramadhan kt bila tengok pokok pandan yang subur kt depan umah tu.....rasa mcm best jugak kalau buat sesuatu kannn :-)

Nak buat kuih onde2x a.k.a buah Melaka laa.....rasa pelik bila sebut buah Melaka...ahahah!! sebabnya hubby i mengacau kt dapur....dia cakap : "Mama.....khusyuk sangat...menggentel buah Melaka tu...." Muahahahhaha!!! rasa nk pitam dengar ayat tu... ;-p

Sebenarnya yang buat iolz teringin nk makan kuih ni sbb bila g tgk Mak Cik jual kuih arituh....tgk kuih ni tinggal 2 biji je...pastuh dah pecah2x...gulanya kuar2x......tak jd iolz beli...terus terbayang-bayang kuih onde2x yg lazat dan comel masuk dalam mulut....

Nih hasil yang pertama ~ letak tepi dan ada budak tak posher asyik amik satu Ian tu asyik laa mengulang...rupanya dia kenduri kt depan umah ngn anak jiran si Qalish...dua2x tak poser...takpelah, derang baru 4 tahun.....bukannya faham apa2 kalau tanya...manjang cakap derang poser..... :-p

Another 2 plate for my neighbor kiri kanan....yg depan dan week pun dah naik jam pinggang iolz menggetel.....hiks! Hubby biasalah kan...... "bg kt jiran sebelah2x jer ea? Yg depan, yg tu ngn tuew takde ke mama?" Wahhhh.......nnt laa bangg.....kita buat Iftar Ramadhan je terus.... :-)

Nih bahan-bahannya yer adik2.......simple je kan....guna tepung pulut yer dan intinya gula melaka.....masa nk adun...tambah santan, garam dan  air pandan....maklumlah pandan depan umah kan....kemain berlebih jus pandan simpan untuk projek lain plak....hehheh

My little chef on duty....ntah laa kenapa dia rajin sgt....part dia golek2 atas kelapa muda 2 baris ni je laa dia buat......pastuh da kuar main beskal.....sebelum tu asyik tanya je : "Mama, kenapa ada kuih Melaka je? Kuih Johor takde ker?" ~ hadoyyyy......malasnya nk jawab.....hehehehe...

Time bersahur mmg semangat.......dia yag bangun dulu...kejap2 tengok jam.....4.00 am dia dah bangun....iolz surh tido balik...nnt dia bangun lg... : "Mama, dah kena makan ke belom?" ~ hahhahah......sabor je laaa.....bibik pun blom bangun panaskan lauk sayang ooiiii....hihiihi :-)

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Menjelang Ramadhan...

Menjelang Ramadhan 2013 kali neh.....banyak plak acara2 makan seblom posa kekdahnya.....apakan daya....hakak ada final exam plaks minggu terakhir tu......terpaksa let go Befday Party of my frenz....sorry Watiey....maybe next time i joint..huhu.. :-p 

So, after exam petang kuliah mate ajak pekena sushi kt Setia City Mall....sesapa dok area S. Alam  mesti tau kewujudan shopping complex  neh.....hihih.....i lioooke.... :-)

One of us already in their last more classes....just waiting for viva....horray!! For me and the more semester to go!!!  InsyaAllah...... :-)

Later that evening.....Mr.Hubby call ~

Hubbie : Mama.....kwn2 i nk dtg laa.....hantar cheese cake yg sedap tu....kan mama kata nak kan?
Me : Derang buatkan? *Melted* 
Hubbie : Ahaa......Ana nk bagi laa neh...kek tuh... so, apa nak masak dear? Derang dtg dlm 2 kereta...
Me : *Blurr*.....errrr....buat yg ekspress je laa...Mee Hoon sup je laa.....daging tu rebus je kan.....pastuh goreng kopok, carik buah cikit....kalau jumpa kuih muih mak cik kt Kg Meroo tu.....jadiklah.....

After Mr. Hubby fetching me at the Setia City Mall.....terus berperang ngn bibik kat dapur....main campak2 je.....hahhaha! Pastuh...tak lama....kengkawan dia pun sampai.....

Ni laa rupanya cheese cake sponge yg simple tapi sedap sangat.....rasa macam  Salted Japanese Cheese Cake.....i loiike sb cheesenya very light je.....tak jemu makan......Kak Ana (siap ada signature nama atas kek....hihi) buat 3 buku kek.....setiap keluarga dapat satu....thx sangat kak sgt.... ;-)
Nih laa Kak Ana & familynya....derang sampai dulu.....merasmikan Mee Hoon Sup yg baju itam ngn Ben 10 tu tuan umah yer....hiks! Husband Kak Ana ni laa kwn Mr. Hubby ~
Hah.......ala2 gathering bersama kwn2 lama katanya.....dolu2 neh derang satu kelas laaa....semua anak dah besar2......kebanyakan anak2 derang masuk boarding school....seronok dengar pengalaman derang mendidik anak......huhu...iolz jauh lagi perjalanan.....

Tu laa dia.....aktiviti makan2 seblom posa.......lately mmg byk involve kwn2 hubbie jer.....i just layan je laa.....terasa mak2 sangat.........aahaah! Kwn2 iolz lama sgt tak jumpa.....maklumlah....i busy year ni.....hihi.....InsyaAllah.....nnt ada masa gather ngn kwn2 iolz plaks.... :-)

Oklah......selamat Berposa......semoga Ramadhan kali ini membawa seribu Barokah buat semua......In Sha Allah....aminn :-)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Mummy is home… :-)

"Mama......tak work ke hari ni??? Yeayyy!!!"

Alahai....kesiannya anak haku....iskh2x.....hari ni mama tak keje....lil Ian teman mama study.....elok je duduk sebelah.....layan lego set dia....lsg tak buat perangai....he wants nothing but mummy....hati jd sebak...tetiba je kan....hahah!!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Zhang Da : The Story of a Child

    Zhang Da, The Story of a Child The epitome of Chinese Affairs
A child in China on January 27, 2006 received high honors from the government for allegedly had committed "Extraordinary Actions". Among the nine people winning the award, he was the only child who was elected from the 1.4 billion population of China.

What makes it turned out to be remarkable is his attention and devotion to his father. He worked very hard and never give up. Since he was 10 years old (in 2001), he was abandoned by his mother who can't stand to live with her husband who was seriously ill and poor. Since that, Zhang Da lives alone with his father who can't work, can't walk and badly sick.

This conditions forced a very young boy; whose not even 10 years at that time to take a heavy responsibility. He still determine to go to school, he must find food for his father and himself and also must think about the medicine for his father that is definitely not cheap for him. For these, the extraordinary story of Zhang Da begins.

He had to live a hard and bitter life but he is very special.  For him, life must go on and for living he won't commit to any crimes. He began a new chapter in his life by continuing to attend school. From home to school must walk through a small forest. On the way to and from school was, he began to eat leaves, seeds and fruits that he found. Sometimes he finds some kind of mold  or grass  and he tried to eat it. After trying to eat it all, he knows which ones can suite his tongue and which one is not.

After school hours during the day and evening, he joined the construction works to split some large boulders and rocks. With that little money, he bought some rice and medicine for his father.

His hard life continuous for almost 5 years but his body remains healthy, fresh and strong. Zhang Da caring his sick father at the age of 10 years and took care of him. He carried his father to the toilet, wiped and washed him once a while, bought the rice and make a porridge for him. He did it with no complain with full of respect and love for his sick father. 

Drugs are expensive and hard to get because the hospital is far from his house. Zhang Da think about the best way to overcome the problems. Since the age of ten, he began to learn about drugs through an old book he bought. 
What makes it remarkable is that he learned how a nurse gave an injection to sick people. Once he felt confident, he determined to inject his own father himself. Now, Zhang Da is an  expert whose well trained in doing the injection.

When all the attention from the officials officers, businessmen, artists and famous people in the ceremony focusing to Zhang Da, the MC asked him:

"Zhang Da, just let us know what you want....the best school? and what do you wish to happen in your life? How much money you need until you finish college? Just name it....what is the most desire thing u want? There are a lot of officials, businessmen and famous people here....there are also hundreds of millions of people are looking at you through the television screen now, they all eager to help you!"

Zhang Da was silent..... the MC ask him again:  "You name it, they can help you"

Zhang Da remain silence, and then.... in a deep voice he replied: "I want mommy back. Mama please returned home, I can help Dad, I can get something for us to eat...i can take care of myself, Mama please come back!"

All the guests were spontaneously have tears with emotion. No one expected that's the only things he wants. Why he didn't ask for the treatment of his father, why he did not ask for money to be deposit in his account? Why did he ask for a small house nearby the hospital? Why did he ask for charity  card from  the government so that his life would be easier?

Perhaps....what he really wants, is the most important one for him. "I want you to come back" ~ a phrase that may have been buried since the last time he saw his mother left home.

The above story not only touch everybody whose watching the ceremony but also cause admiration  to most people. A 10 years old boy can hold such heavy responsibility for almost 5 years without complaining. The difficulties of life has changed a boy into an admirable child figure that never give up.

Zhang Da is different compared to any modern children. Nowadays many children easily gets things  from their parents. They can have everything that is 'in' and consider branded at that particular time. They proudly show it to all their frenz and colleague for what their parents have bought for them. The one that have it all will feel great....the one have nothing to show will running back to their parents and demanding the same things. The parents that affordable to buy everything.....feels good they can buy almost everything for their kids.....the parents that is not affordable to do so....feel shame and stress of wanted to give everything to their kids also.....because it is not trendy and shame to not afford to do so.....

Without the end, we may end up to be 'a transaction parents'....for that, i realize.....maybe i shall not forget to teach my kids the values of life, appreciate things that they have and understand that nothing comes free if we don't work for it....hope they grew up to be more rational, responsible and wise adult in the future.....Aminnn~