Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bye2 2009!

2009 dah berlalu.......semua yang berlaku dalam tahun nih dah jd kenangan.....byk juger peristiwa2 ptg berlaku dalam hidup i tahun ni....masuk umah baru......get birth of my new baby boy....get promoted....Al-Hamdulillah...yang pahit2? Taknak ingat laaa..........dah jd sejarah..........menjelang ambang 2010, habiskan cuti hujung tahun ke Tiara Beach Resort je......itu pun boss blanja free stay.........hehhehehehhhe.....tetiba je akhir thn ni boss aku baik je.....naper yer?

 Tempat yg sesuai untuk family....sbb byk pool untuk mak bapak yag lebih2 pun....biasala kan....risau kang anak2 tertiarap ke.....haper....

Abaikan lengan i yg tembam macam pelampung budak2 pakai kat lengan tuh.....fokus kat muker i yg tersenyum girang lepas main gelongsur tuh....hhehehehh..biasalah..keselamatan anak2 penting......kalau lil Diddy nak main wuuoooshhhh2 (gelunsour tuh laa)...mama kena g sekali...kekkekek....

Besh kan mama......turun2 main ayer...........

Sementara abang n papa beremdam......bby Ian sleep je......

Sekian.......berakhir sudah 2009 yang merakamkan seribu satu cerita........selamat datang 2010 yang membawa seribu satu harapan dan doa.................

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bundle of Joys..................

My bucuk sayang........making a funny face after get scolded.....nak marah lebih2 pun tak jadi dah.......

Mama....i'm the cicak man!

Sweet dream my love......

Sweety pie...........

Light up my life everyday...........both of you are everything to me....a reason for me to laugh, a reason for me to cry, a reason for me to keep on going....till the end........

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Who take it away?!!!!!

There is a time when we are not so with what we just whatever our mom cook for us....sleep at the sofa or just on the tikar mengkuang.........but we still happy together.....we share everything....

We laugh, we cry.....we fight.......yet, we still together........

There is a time when u start to read......we wait with patient till u finish the last line.......take the trouble to check all your homeworks...just to make sure its done.......

But there is a  time when everything is just nothing to remember more laughing together.....sharing the story together.....or having a good time together like b4........everything went out so seriuos......with no talk....once a while, the fight will occur...but tis time with yelling and more respects n love bonding as before.............

Who steal the bundle of joys that used to belong to us?
Life is just full a full takes no time to fall in love.......but it takes years to understand what love is........

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Always together.............

There is a time when outstation or working outside is meaningful.....only with my love's one's really a bundle of joys to works while our family is just around......kalau kena outstation jauh...or went to overseas without my family together....feel like dying man!!! I don know.....mayb other people hav other opinion....but since zaman2 solo dulu dah slalu sgt out, bila dah ade family neh...i rather give the chance to someone else lease until my bby a bit bigger....he's just so small to be far from me.......uhhhhhhhh......tak sanggup..........

At the time while waiting for hubby to pick up our kids....coincidently tis time just around k.l.....stay @ Renaissance........

Waiting mama with hugs n kisses that nite........after finish the meeting.........

Clearly K.L Tower from my room............used to enjoy the food @ d restaurant.....will bring my kids one day.........

Concorde hotel @ the corner.........jst wonder if the life band @ the Hard Rock Cafe still 'hot' as before.........heehehhe.......


Having breakfsat with my love one...........


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Penat sesangat Ian kena, mlm dia agak meragam sikit.....Lil Diddy plak masih nak perhatian 100% fr me n hubby......he always insist that he is d baby......nak mama dukung macam baby....nak mama tidurkan macam baby........mmg rasa restless akhir2 ni...ditambah plak dengan kerja-kerja kt site yg macam-macam.........Aargh!!!! kalaulah aku ini Superwoman...ade xtra hands ke....mesti power leh buat semua kijer at once kan.........dengan masalah adik aku nan sorang tuh... ntah bila laa dia nk faham2 gknyer.......tapi smalam mmg aku collapse! Dengan kepala yang berdenyut2 sakit...migrain! Boss plak terpacal depan mata dari pagi....mengadap aku pasal macam2 hal dia yg nak aku settlekan.........kalaula aku nih robot...picit je button.....aku start aku nih manusia......kalau dah jammed........jawabnyer.....blackout terusss laaaaaaa..........uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!