Sunday, March 28, 2010


Tak tau aaa aku mmg peminat no. 1 Amy.......hahahhahha.....Atuk Rock!!!! tehehheheheh........lalu dgn gigihnya sepantas kilat booking tiket persembahan Amy kt Istana Budaya neh...sold out uols...!!!! UP price lagih.......tak tahannnnnn...........demi Amy katanyer.....malam sebelum 'out of town again'......dalam hujan..mak sampai tepat 8.30 mlm........ramaiiiii uols......penuh sit.......berbaloi2x.......
Wajah couple yg 'die hard fan!!'.....hahahahhhah........mmg layan aaaaaa  Amy kalu dlm keta.....anak2 letak tepi sat....hehehehhehh....

Gituew........cayangggggg papa & mama rock......

Sweet Mc's........

The concert begin....

Nice Prop!



Relax Bro!

Puas ati aaa.....


Oh! Amy.....

Amy......i luv ya!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Oh! Adindaku........

Kekdahnya adindaku nan sorang neh tercampak jauh nun di negeri bawah bayu sana.........lst jumpak pun rayer arituh.....skejap sajorks.....mase tuh mak dalam pantang bby Ian......agak2 dah hampir 7 bln gaks laaa tak jumpo.....hanya beremail, YM n FB sajorks......sesekali kami video conferc.........bak katanyer tuh....rindu yg amat2 laaa jawabnye.............maka setelah mendengor kabo yg dia akan cuti selama hampir 3 minggu (cover cuti katanyer....).....maka berkobar2 laaa mak anak beranak menunggu di balai ketibaan KLIA.......
Kepulanganmu mmg dinanti2kan adindaku...tehhehehe......punyerlaaa tak sabor nk jumpa adik...sampai tak sedar mula2 dia dah terlepas...kekekkek.......tu diaaa.....penuh satu troli brg2 kiriman.....hahhahahhaha

ntah nape gaksnyer...anak sulung mak nei meroyan2 buat mcm2 gayer......

akhir2 neh mmg dia panassss jer ngn mama dia...semua tak kena...tak kawan mama! katanyer.....huhuuuh....

Baby Ian always my sweety pie......happy jeks...asalkan mama dok dekat...tehheheheh

Oh!! Cyang bucuk mama...terserlah butak licin ituh...tehehehheh.......

Dia comel2..........

Dia cute2.....

Hahhahaha.........tight munger2....heheheheh....

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

a small treat.......

Tidur agak tidak menentu lately.......Lil Diddy got high fever.....bby Ian got campak...huhuhuhu....mummy n daddy bersilat siang malam to take care of our two little precious......paling mencabar sbb Lil Diddy dah start muntahkan semua ubat yang mama bagi....lagi laaaa mencabar.....phewwwwwww....sabar......huhuhuuh....

after almost a week tidur tak lena......makan tak tentu......i think tht we need a small treat laa.....nice dinner together.......yg dekat2 jer....kt Bukit Jelutong sebelah neh jer............not bad laa......i likeeeeeeeeeeee......

Nice.....yam serve with mix vege.....surrounded by crispy rice Ian love it vr mch!

Papa's choice...........nice.........

My happy little angle......butak2 bucuks.......

Always the sweety pies............acting good.....

That's it for now......some ABC n prawn is too tempting.....tak tersnap......nway.....thx papa.....for being so patient with all of ya! Sowi for all the moody days.........mummy just feeling soooooooooooooooo tired.....huhuuuhu.......

Friday, February 26, 2010

Separuh Jiwaku Pergi..........

Just arrive......'separuh jiwaku pergi'..............i'm here in Alor Star....will b here for 5 days 4 nite....tis morning while sweety bby Ian wakes up......searching for me.....mcm tau je mama nk g jauh.....taknak letak......akhirnya dia tertidor dipangkuan.......tiba2 rasa sayu.......sekecil ini mama tinggalkan....mlm td plaks kebetulan bby Ian dpt flu.....terasa lbh berat hati ini......huhuhuhuh....

Lil Diidy plaks terbangun........'mama nk g ane?Itut maaaa..........'

Sungguh.......separuh jiwaku pergi.................

Semoga kedua2 anak mama baik2 saja...........nnt mama balik yer sayang.......

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Leadership Course...........

View from my balconi room.......didn't really make me feel good....coz the wind blow away my mind to my sweet hearts....knowing tht my baby can't sleep without me around....n he keep on crying....My lil Diddy keep on asking me every morning n hubby is messing around with our 2 MIL come all d way from Malacca to assist...but baby still don want anybody else......jst mummy n daddy.......huhuuhuuhu.....

At the same time thinking about my bro......nun jauh di laut China Selatan......Sandakan.......''wahai laut....sampaikan salam pada dia..........take cr bro!'' Almost 6 months +++++ tak jumpa.....sok..sek...sob2.......(really feeling blues that evening........mmmmmmmmmmm..........)

My clicks: 'Jom! Dik.....kita main pondok2 nak......abang jadik abah yer.....' tehehhehe....

When the wind blow.....i feel free....(penulis tiada dalam gambar)

Just take a minute to rest......the band : Music Tepi Pantai?

2nd day : The mind is getting calm......'press the clear  button'.......

The varieties of's mayb simple, yet's mayb not glam, but meaningful....

4th day : I've learn something here.....feel bless to be there .....but cn't wait to go home......Finally....never been tis easy to say good bye............
Coz........tht day is Papa's B' heart already reach home....