Sunday, March 27, 2011


At Mama's place.......on duty this weekend.......bring my precious one 2gether....this time take him to explore the out-door ~ Science Wonderland.........glad tht he enjoy it!

Catch the butterfly!

Feeding the fish......

Closely watch the Butterfly Feeding time!

Haaaahahahha! One of the daring visitor's ~ well.....wht to say?

The water plaza.......

Exciting visitors.....let's going down!

Have a nice view while having tea at our new kafe ~

Family time! Learn n play ~

Discover the secrets here......

Observe the nature creatures ~

Admire their characteristic ~ Mimicry & Camouflage!
WHAT'S NEXT? New content for RMK10 ~ Get Wet!
WHAT ELSE? To make the stakeholder happy ~ 'Solar Sun Flower Project'........combination of the ART, Science & Technology - bringing the environmental n social message to the society! (Errr....hopefully~)
REMIND me of the last 2 years hectic days....when i have to face more sabotaj n dirty thinking to make sure this projects fail.....hahahhahahha! What a challenges......but now.....i saw them is the ONE that spending more time with their family enjoy the greeny scenaries n having so much fun with all the physical exhibits! :-p

Monday, March 21, 2011

Adat dikendong, Budaya Disanjung, Agama Dijunjung................

Sedang menjengok FB kwn2 lama.....berjumpalah kawan sekelas masa form 4-5 kt SSAJ dulu.......dia neh dok blakang haku......rhajin laaa slalu kena sakat ngn geng2 kitaorang.....sbb dia comei....sesedap rasa....chubby2x...tehehheh......last jumpa dier, kt UPM...amik Forestry.....then......dah tak dgr citer....tup2x....skunk dah bertunang....Alhamdulilaah.....kemain comeiii lg tunangnya.....mesti semua tak sangka.....Si Saman Sanget punya tunang...kemain jambu.......menangis laaa korang tgk...ahhahah........Tahniah2x...

Perasan tak 'hard cover' doc tuh? Aku hengat Si Saman neh g bwk degree dier sbg hantaran ker? Tak kan cenggituew sekalik kannnnnnn? Rupa-rupanya...... (sila baca perenggan di bwh ~ aisheh.......)

Apa yang menariknya majlis pertunangan dier adalah ~ doc perjanjian tuh.....pehhhh! Special laaa......tak penah haku tgk....kreative2x.....apa2 pown...mmg sgt beradat sopan majlisnya....bak katanya ~ adat dikendong, budaya disanjung, agama dijunjung ~

Majlis membaca watikah perjanjian pertunangan yang dibacakan oleh bapa pihak perempuan dan didengari oleh bapa pihak lelaki

Watikah ditandatangani oleh pihak lelaki dahulu tanda setuju

Watikah di tandatangani oleh pihak perempuan tanda memahami perjanjian yang termeterai........

Pastu majlis di susuli dgn adat menyarung cincin oleh Ibu pasangan lelaki kepada bakal menantu....sambil disaksikan oleh kaum keluarga terdekat...bak kata orang ~ dimana bumi dipijak, disitu langit dijunjung kannnn....namanya pown kita neh org melayu....penuh dgn rasa hormat dan adap sopan....apatah lg kt bakal mak mertua......ibu kepada bakal suami kita.....

Macam mana mak kita sayang kita......macam tu juger laaa mak dier sayangkan anaknya ~

Then, acara Ibu pasangan perempuan sarungkan cincin kat bakal menantu lelakinya.....hahahhahahah! Yang neh rasanya masa haku dulo ada version len laaa.....Thehheh.....

Manissss jerrr kannnnnn kwn haku neh....kemain sukerrrrr bakal mak mertua sarungkan cincin.......

Sendirik sarungkan kat bakal laki......~ over ke cenggituew? Takpe kannnnnn......hahahhahah!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


THE STAR ~ Parenting is a tough job and the trick is to bring back traditional boundaries. We have the next generation in the palm of our hand. On the one hand ~ here is the world, on the other hand ~ here is my child. You have to decide which you care about more.

There should be a hierarchy in the home, where parent have more power and control than the child or other parties. This does not mean a return to 1950s brutal parenting, or that you should not be loving. But children need to see an adult structure or role in their play, if not to always reject it.

Meaning that the youngest must have a respect towards the elders, learn not to be too selfish and understand the important of strong family structure. Love, care and  trust must always be hand in hand with quality time you have spend to your love that the happiness will always bloom in the house.

Teach them how to respect each other..

Nurture them with love n care among siblings...

Play with them ~ with patient n love....

Hold their hand n teach them to be careful along the way....

Sit with them n advise them the best for their life in everything....

Hug them with full of love n care........
Wait for them with tempting heart n happiness....

Sharing their big moment together....

Stay close n keep in touch...

In the end.......always together celebrate the joys.......

Above all of these sincererity, love n it really tough to b a good parents nowdays?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Homely weekend..

Weekend neh malas nk g mana2......rasa lg besh lepaks2 jer kt umah....pg2 g jogging kt tepi tasik...pstu g breakfast the best mee Jawa in town....then g psr awam bli brg2 basah......

Mashak2....lauk kampung ~ pucuk paku msk lemak cili padi....ikan masin....sambal jawa.....teheehheeh.... then invite Chard to join the lunch....~ since he just live nearby....

Budak tecik yg heppy go lucky sbb Mama lately asyk layan dier jerrrr.......Alhamdullillah he can get along with our new bibik.....maklumlah Bby Ian tak penah g taska, he's a bit shy2....takmo sapa2.....mamanya sajork.... :p

Dr. Richard n of my BFF......tengkiu for coming....tengkiu for the delicious SR cake...soooo yummy! Pls come again....tq for always encourage me to cont. my delay Msc...tehehheheheh.......~ a tumbs up for u!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Selesai sudahhh...............

Hasil inventory ~ menimbun paperworks....lst 2 years mmg hectic ~ pindah umah, bersalin, seeking for maid, project leader, cabinet papers,bertegang urat ngn main-con n sub-con (lg besar lesen, lg terror corner baring! Sengal!!), learning abt technical drawing/ working drawing/ engineering terms, site management, International workshop, scholarship, Msc., leadership issues...sbg isteri, ibu, kekasih, anak, kakak n  cucu....

Phewwwwwww!!! Just wondering how women can do all of this things at once? Mayb we should have more than 2 hands ya! Untuk kengkawan yg budiman  (sb gue dok kat alam budiman..tehehheheh).....sorry (naik loryyyyy...~ sempat lagik)....kalu tak dapat nk turut serta acara jimba or whtever events yg dirancang.....sungguh! Bukan daku sengaja......

Menatang yg buat haku tak senang duduk sepanjang 2 thn neh.......Al-Hamdulillah dah siap........ (kalu wat Msc. pown dah siap....cehhh!)