Friday, February 22, 2013


I was in a meeting today.....the outcome not so great....we think BIG, but the Chairman maybe want something rather can be due to many reasons....but i don want to waste my time to think abt it....

"Why didn't u just suggest to me what's the best to be? Don't u advice me what am i suppose to do?...blablabla ~ be creative!! Do the best things with this small B**g*t.....make everybody understand also.....must lead all the staff....including other unit/department....together (maybe the whole organization)" ~ hihihihi....interesting rite? We didn't know that we are that big.....hihiihi ~  ( optimist please ~ hiks!)

I'm not sure it should be *bomb to who....since there is other people in the meeting also....maybe focus to certain people....but whatever it is.....i need some space to inhale.....~ tarik nafassss....lepassss....*wink*.....hihii.....of coz i didn't write everything here......i understand. ~ cyber rules....let it be between 4 walls ~ :-) 

I remember what Tun Mahathir have said ~ "Be a leader with example....and make sure u make people do things that u are sure possible to be happen...or at least u know yourself can make it happen...." ~ fair statement ~  :-D 

 Anyway, life goes on.....leaders change every time and things gonna change again.....the new games will be introduced and played by certain people, rules will be prepared, stay optimist & be good to all....we can't live forever and let live our life at the fullest  ~ :-) ....Forgive them....they might be in deep stress with bigger burden....*sigh*

Whatever it is....ELECTION is coming......hihiih......
Pray to Allah to lead our life that you are protected from any VICES and live in peace.....

Sincerely smile for Allah, to ur hubby, kids, family & closes friend...the rest ~ jst let it go ~ :-)

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